
AASC The Anti-aging study cohort
AIDHS/SDS Asian Indian Diabetic Heart Study/Sikh Diabetes Study
BIOS Consortium Biobank-based Integrative Omics Study Consortium
CAGE-Amagasaki Amagasaki Study
CAGE-Amagasaki (2) Amagasaki Study
CAGE-Fukuoka Kyushu University Fukuoka Cohort Study
CAGE_GWAS1 Cardio-metabolic Genome Epidemiology Network
CAGE-KING Kita-Nagoya Genomic Epidemiology study
CAGE-KING (2) Kita-Nagoya Genomic Epidemiology study
CAGE-Vietnam Study on risk factors for diabetes and metabolic syndrome in
Vietnam Cilento
CLHNS Cebu Longitudinal Health and Nutrition Survey
EGCUT Estonian Genome Center of University of Tartu
FINCAVAS The Finnish Cardiovascular Study
GEMS Gene Environment Multiphenotype Study
GeneBank The GeneBank Study
GenSalt Genetic Epidemiology Network of Salt-Sensitivity
GLACIER – exome Gene x Lifestyle Interactions and Complex Traits Involved in
Elevated Disease Risk – exome
GLACIER MetaboChip Gene x Lifestyle Interactions and Complex Traits Involved in
Elevated Disease Risk
GOYA (MALE) Genetics of extremely Overweight Young Adults
HEXA Health Examinee shared control study
HPS Heart Protection Study
INGI-VB INGI-Val Borbera
JMGP The Japanese Millennium Genome Project
KARE The Korea Association Resource study
KORA Cooperative Health Research in the Region of Augsburg
LBC1921 Lothian Birth Cohort 1921
LBC1936 Lothian Birth Cohort 1936
LifeLines LifeLines Cohort Study
LOLIPOP London Life Sciences Population study
LURIC Ludwigshafen Risk and Cardiovascular Health Study
NFBC86 Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1986
NHAPC The Nutrition and Health of Aging Population in China
POPGEN Popgen control cohort
PREVEND Prevention of REnal and Vascular ENd stage Disease
PROMIS Pakistan Risk Of Myocardial Infarction Study
PROSPER PROspective Study of Pravastatin in the Elderly at Risk
RHS Ragama Health Study
RS The Rotterdam Study
SCES Singapore Chinese Eye Study
SCHS Singapore Chinese Health Study
SiMES Singapore Malay Eye Study
SINDI Singapore Indian Eye Study
SMART Secondary Manifestations of ARTerial disease
SMHS Shanghai Men’s Health Study
SMSS Suzhou Metabolic Syndrome Study
SP2 Singapore Prospective Study Program
SRS Shanghai-Ruijin Study
SWHS Shanghai Women’s Health Study
TWSC Taiwan Super Control Study
WHII Whitehall II
YFS The Young Finns Study