Terms & Conditions

General data usage and security

-     Data must be used only for the specified research project.

-     Data cannot be used by persons not mentioned in the application or distributed to third parties.

-     Users will NOT have sole and exclusive access to their required dataset.

-     Data errors must be notified to the iGEN-BP Contact Researcher.

-     iGEN-BP data users must work under the Data Protection Scheme that operates in their country.

-     Secure data access must be ensured by using secure networks, passwords, firewalls and/or highly encrypted devices.

-     iGEN-BP data users working on the same project should use a shared drive for exchanging files, and avoid the use of memory sticks or attachments in e-mails.

-     iGEN-BP data users must be aware that the data may allow individuals to be identified. Therefore, it will be the data user’s responsibility to ensure that no attempt is made to identify the participants and their identity is not disclosed under any circumstances.

-     It is forbidden to match or attempt to match individual records to any other data.

-     On completion of the project, all electronic copies of iGEN-BP data must be deleted.

-     There can be no more copies of the data than is reasonable for backing up work.


– The scope of the project should be one or two scientific articles within the first two years.

– The name of iGEN-BP Study must be included in the title or subtitle of publications.

– A suitable note of acknowledgement should be added.

– If the project has received significant input from the iGEN-BP Contact Researcher then s/he may also be included as an author.


Please note that the iGEN-BP team retains the right to modify the contents of this document at any time.